-Check out the site [PodBop.] The site makes a list of bands that are coming to your town on tour, and then makes some of their songs available for download or podcast. Let the lawsuits begin!
-[Pre Order] Pearl Jam's Self Titled May 2nd release and get New Years Eve 1992 CD and the MP3s of the album 'one minute after it becomes available in the U.S'
-[Vote] for the 25 Affair in the AC Battle of the Bands @ the House of Blues.[Vote]
25 Affair [Live]///4.1.06 Dodge Street, Salem MA
-Check out local band [Linus Lowery.] They are also fighting for a spot in the battle of the bands.
Fight, Fight Fight!
[MP3]///Linus Lowery-Decline of the Cheerleader
Linus Lowery [Live]///3.25.06 The Pearl, Somers Point NJ
[listen to:]