
Past and Present Showcase

Mainland Past & Present Showcase

All five bands have a Mainland Regional High School connection.
-Some of the bands feature current students.
-Some of the bands feature graduates. (some not so recent)
-One of the bands features a Mainland employee

WHEN: Saturday February 3rd.
WHERE: Pistol Pete's Steakhouse & Saloon www.pistolpetessaloon.com
located on the Black Horse Pike in Pleasantville, NJ.
SCHEDULE: Doors open at 7pm

Vermicious Knids - 8pm
Back Seat Riot - 8:45pm www.myspace.com/backseatmusicnj
Somerdale - 9:30pm www.myspace.com/somerdale
Linus Lowery - 10:15pm www.linuslowery.com
The Flight - 11pm www.myspace.com/theflightmusic

Come early and stay late for some great food, cool drinks, and fine rock and roll music.

[listen to:]