The Black Keys
The Black Keys play Philadelphia 11.4.2006 at the Electric Factory. The tickets for the show, which was originally scheduled at the TLA, go on sale 9.1.06 [here]
Tickets for the rest of the US tour can be found [here]
The new Album, Magic Potion, is out in stores Sept 12, 2006
[pre order]
Its definitely what you'd expect out of The Black Keys; unfiltered, all out blues rock. If you are a fan, trust me you won't be disappointed. If you've never heard of them, check them out. These two rock out like they stepped out of a time machine. Its good stuff.
///[MP3] The Black Keys-Your Touch
///[MP3] The Black Keys-Strange Desire
Previous Releases-All HIGHLY recommended
The Big Come Up (2002)
///[MP3] The Black Keys- Yearnin'
///[MP3] The Black Keys- Set You Free
Rubber Factory (2004)

///[MP3] The Black Keys- 10 AM Automatic
Chulahoma:Songs of Junior Kimbrough [EP] (2006)

[listen to:]