Out This Week
Check It Out Now. Love Me Later.
The Information
///[MP3] Beck-We Dance Alone
///[BUY] Beck-The Information
Shine On
///[MP3] Jet-Rip it Up
///[BUY] Jet-Shine On
Already out, but....
The Features recently put out a new EP titled Contrast. If you haven't heard the Features before, I suggest going out and getting Exhibit A, which is great. One of the best of 2004. They have run across hard times recently after getting dropped from Universial after refusing to record a song for a commercial. Its amazing how shitty this Industry can be. Check out the Contrast EP and show some support while they look for a new home.
///[MP3] The Features-Wooden Heart
///[BUY] The Features-Exhibit A
[listen to:]