
wDMO State of The Union Address

First off, I'd like to welcome all the new people who have been coming over to wDMO. This is a place dedicated to all things rock. Alternative/Indie/Garage. These days terrestrial radio over looks anything good, and plays crap all day. I cant stand it, if you can then go away. Just kidding, but seriously this is a place for news and reviews of the up and coming/pioneers. Eventually we'll figure out why we are doing this but for now that's it. We like rock and its dyyyyyyyying.

Ok...a few more things

#1 I post the news that is current and relevant. The Strokes are relevant, and they have a new album coming out soon. Each day a song gets leaked, so it gets posted. This is by no means a Strokes fan site. I am a fan, and they just happen to be making some waves this week.

#2 As i have said before things are going on behind the scenes, it looks like crap now but be patient. When this gets worked out everyone will be happy.

We want this to be about stuff that is new and interesting, before corporate America gets its hands on it and ruins it for all of us. Some new bands are great, some suck. That's the same thing with older bands. I think that in time you can sort out the diamonds from the coal, that is what I want this to be about. Interaction would be nice, I'd like to know what goes on in other rock scenes across the globe. But all I can say is that if you like the content 1% then stay tuned. I have no idea what I'm doing anyway, so we can ride this out together.

#3 I'll be doing a weekly podcast, prob. an hour long. Any requests will be considered. You can listen by finding the post below that has a mini media player in it. its orange and green, just push play.

Thank you and have a nice evening.




Anonymous said...

are you going to be making it to the clap your hands show?

no code said...

i'm not gonna make it to the show, i'm swamped right now and have tons of work to do.
i emailed you though